Sunday, January 3, 2010

"To know Him and To Make Him Known" Next Trip to Russia

"To know Him and To Make Him Known".....a great way to summarize what should be the driving passion of each follower of Jesus. Giving ourselves to knowing Him better each day, then finding the most powerful and authentic ways to make Him known to others....that's our corporate and personal calling. Sometime we share His love in very personal ways....sometimes in very public ways. This week, for example, I'm off to Russia again to train a new group of pastors in the process of starting new churches.....the ultimate way of "making Him known"....will you pray for me as I go this Thursday? I expect it to be very cold and the travel to be difficult....thanks for your prayers and support! Tim Lusk

1 comment:

  1. I will pray daily for you and the new group of pastors. Thanks for posting!
