Friday, November 19, 2010

Carts Away!!

Here it is - the start of the annual RLI Champions 1800 golf classic. Tim starts us off with prayer then then its CARTS AWAY! Wave!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

We Had Russian Guests

The golf tournament was a tremendous success. We hope you were part of it.

We had some Russian guests show up.  They had a blast trying out that great past time – golf. We also got to hear from them. Check it out below.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


The maddening pace of our fall ministry has left me grateful for the grace of God and thankful for your prayers and support. September was a powerful time as we finally made it back to Russia to spend time with our students in Voronezh.... I'm really grateful that our students were not radically affected by the wildfires in the region, however, this winter will be very hard for them since so many crops were destroyed by fire.

Meanwhile, we are getting geared up for our annual golf tournament fundraiser which will take place on Tuesday October 26. Please pray for us as we prepare.,.. Thanks and God bless you....Tim

Monday, August 23, 2010

2010 Golf Tournament!!

Yes, it is that time of the year to start thinking about the annual RLI Champions 1800 Golf Tournament. Just look at some of the teams who have participated in the past.

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They had lots of fun and fellowship and you can too.This year it’s going to be even more fun so stay tuned for more information but MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW for October the 26th!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010



The Black Soil Region of Russia is being devastated by massive wildfires even as I write to you today. Fueled by record high temperatures and a drought that has brought the region's farmers to their knees, the fires first swept through the world-renowned agricultural fields and forests of the Black Soil Region and rapidly found their way to the outskirts of local towns and villages.


We have received word from Voronezh, the key city in our Black Soil ministry, that the fires have now reached the outer perimeter of the city, bringing destruction to the homes and churches of some of the students that you pray for and support. We will not know the full extent of the devastation until our trip to the region on September 15-25.  Voronezh2

Please pray for the people of the Black Soil Region...pray for the students as they carry on their planned camps and evangelistic campaigns in the midst of fighting fires and protecting their families and property. Thank you again for your prayers and support....Pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ may one day soon spread like a wildfire throughout the region bringing light and hope to thousands of people who are living in darkness and despair.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Marriage U is On The Way!!!!

We are just a couple of weeks away from having our friends Harv and Bev Powers come to Jax to lead us in a wonderful marriage conference. I hope you are already signed up to join us for Marriage U the weekend of May 21-22 at Eastside Community Church... The cost is a simple $100 for each couple or $50 for a single person. We are going to have a great time looking at our relationships with our spouses, subjects like love, intimacy, and communication. What a powerful time we will have! Won't you come and join us?

We are also planning and praying our way through our next trip to Russia, which I hope will be June 11-22 . This trip will involve me teaching along with a couple of Russian teachers. Our subject is church planting.... Our hope is that each student will become more committed to started new churches. Please pray for us as we plan this next trip.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Important Information from RLI

Breaking news from Redemptive Leadership International!

Click Here to see it NOW!-> Marriage U

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

From Life...To Death...To Life

It has been my experience over the years that God has often brought things to me in connected of those pairs has often been the coming and going of human lives. This past weekend was another example of this principle. My entire family, especially including my new granddaughter Amelia, converged on Boca Raton in S. Florida for a family wedding event. How fun it was to see all of my children together again with Allison and me as we celebrated a new marriage and our new grandbaby!!! But, as the providence of God would have it, while I was driving down the highway, a friend from the past called to ask if I could help her bury her Dad who had died unexpectedly the night before. So, all of the joy and fun of the weekend was tempered by the realization that I would soon be rushing home to lead this grieving family in the funeral process. This is the way life is this side of heaven, life and death, joy and sorrow, all laid along side each other. It was the suffering man Job who said, "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord". Thus it will be until the Lord returns.... And we will finally see the end of all of the sorrow and pain.... Nothing but joy and is it worth the wait? What do you think?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Coming in MAY !!! - Marriage Conference with Dr. Harv Powers

RLI is presenting a weekend marriage conference featuring nationally-known marriage counselor, Dr. Harv Powers, founder of The Redimere Group near Denver, CO. He will be joined for the weekend by his wife, Beverly, who is also a marriage counselor.

Make plans to join us on May 21st, Friday 6p - 9p, and May 22nd, Saturday 8a - 4:30p as Dr. Powers explores how to strengthen and deepen your marriage.

The conference will be hosted by Eastside Community Church at their campus located at 13301 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, Fl., 32246

The conference cost of $100 per couple includes all materials and lunch on Saturday. Single adults who are considering marriage are welcome to attend at a cost of $50.

You can register and pay at the RLI website -

Monday, January 25, 2010


Let me may recall that I left for Russia on January 7....shortly after that the birth of our first grandchild, Amelia, finally happened...we were all ecstatic...but I was in Russia and my wife, Allison, was in Florida plotting her getaway to Chicago to see the new baby. Meanwhile, I landed in Atlanta for 2 days of meetings while Allison and our daughter Mary headed to Chicago....I finally caugt up with my wife for about 36 hours in Chicago (not really, got to watch her hold the baby a lot!). Then, I went back to Florida while she stayed in Chicago for another week to help with little Amelia ( are you dizzy yet?). Finally, we were supposed to see each other for about 12 hour last night, then off to Denver(me) for ministry stuff today until Thursday. So...of course her flights were all cancelled for coming home last night because of bad weather and I had to leave early this morning for will both be in the Atlanta airport today....but, alas, not at the same time (will miss each other by 2 hours) I hope to see her this coming Thursday night...3 weeks after leaving her on the 7th. So, lest you think that I'm just one of those wimpy guys who needs his wife, well, you are absolutely right!! Not that I can't live without her, but why would I ever want to? So yes, I REALLY MISS MY WIFE!!! Thanks for your prayers....and may you always really miss the ones you love....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

RLI Website

We have our website back up and running! Take a look at our new format and design.


We will keep the blog going with frequent news updates and use the website for things like fundraising, corporate news, etc.

Thanks to Jack McNeil for the really great RLI banner.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Amelia makes her Debut!

I shared with you that Amelia arrived while I was in Russia, but now I have a picture to share with you.

Here she is, she looks like James (well,that his dad's opinion!)

Everybody is doing well so thank you Lord for that. And I'm on my way there!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Russia is crazy cold right now!

Snow and ice everywhere! Reminds me of why I live in Florida...although that's not a whole lot better right now. My time has been short, but very powerful with our students here in Voronezh....beginning the part of our curriculum that deals with planting new churches. Each of our students has committed to starting new churches so that eventually the entire Black Soil Region of Russia can be saturated with the true Gospel. Quite a challenge, but God has gone before us and has promised to sustain us.

This is why we go....that this entiire region may know...thanks for your prayers and to the train, so I can get to Moscow, and eventually to Chicago so I can hold my new granddaugter Amelia.

As the Russians say: SLAVA BOGU!! (Praise God!)....from deep in the snow-covered hinterlands of Russia

Saturday, January 9, 2010


After months of anticipation, our first grandchild has finally arrived!! Her name is AMELIA JUBILEE and she arrived safely at 7:54 AM Chicago time....weighing in at 7 lbs. 15 ozs. Very reliable inside sources say that she looks a lot like her grandpa who shall hereafter be known as "Papa"!! We are so grateful to our heavenly Abba that Amelia is healthy and doing fine along with her parents Jesi and James. Thank you to all of you for your love, prayers and support....I will finish my work here in Voronezh and then, our Lord willing, I will stop by Chicago next Saturday through Monday, the 16th - 18th, on my way home from Russia. WELCOME HOME LITTLE AMELIA!!!! You have much to learn about your heavenly Father.....grace, Tim

Sunday, January 3, 2010

"To know Him and To Make Him Known" Next Trip to Russia

"To know Him and To Make Him Known".....a great way to summarize what should be the driving passion of each follower of Jesus. Giving ourselves to knowing Him better each day, then finding the most powerful and authentic ways to make Him known to others....that's our corporate and personal calling. Sometime we share His love in very personal ways....sometimes in very public ways. This week, for example, I'm off to Russia again to train a new group of pastors in the process of starting new churches.....the ultimate way of "making Him known"....will you pray for me as I go this Thursday? I expect it to be very cold and the travel to be difficult....thanks for your prayers and support! Tim Lusk