We are just a couple of weeks away from having our friends Harv and Bev Powers come to Jax to lead us in a wonderful marriage conference. I hope you are already signed up to join us for Marriage U the weekend of May 21-22 at Eastside Community Church... The cost is a simple $100 for each couple or $50 for a single person. We are going to have a great time looking at our relationships with our spouses, subjects like love, intimacy, and communication. What a powerful time we will have! Won't you come and join us?
We are also planning and praying our way through our next trip to Russia, which I hope will be June 11-22 . This trip will involve me teaching along with a couple of Russian teachers. Our subject is church planting.... Our hope is that each student will become more committed to started new churches. Please pray for us as we plan this next trip.